Because my nightmares of playing against teams that get high scores of the week will be over. This is the third time in four games I've had to face the top week's scorer. This week, I scored the 3rd highest points and still lost badly. This is getting old.
In other news, Hai and I were twins in the golf and football dept:
1. We teamed up to win our annual family golf outing against Hai's dad, my sister, and my brother-in-law. Donny was a no-show and so I had to carry the team until the last 3 holes, where Hai did his best Mariano Riviera impresonation and closed it out for us.
2. Both of us lost in fantasy to teams scoring 90 points or better, though we would have won against anyone else in the league. We both had uber RBs but our defenses both scored a measly 4 pts.
3. Both our favorite teams choked and lost in the last minute. At least I didn't get to watch the tragic unfolding.
In other news, Hai and I were twins in the golf and football dept:
1. We teamed up to win our annual family golf outing against Hai's dad, my sister, and my brother-in-law. Donny was a no-show and so I had to carry the team until the last 3 holes, where Hai did his best Mariano Riviera impresonation and closed it out for us.
2. Both of us lost in fantasy to teams scoring 90 points or better, though we would have won against anyone else in the league. We both had uber RBs but our defenses both scored a measly 4 pts.
3. Both our favorite teams choked and lost in the last minute. At least I didn't get to watch the tragic unfolding.
PS I am looking forward to the Asian oppenents. (cant get worse, Can it?).