I can't wait till I play the Caucasians

Because my nightmares of playing against teams that get high scores of the week will be over. This is the third time in four games I've had to face the top week's scorer. This week, I scored the 3rd highest points and still lost badly. This is getting old.

In other news, Hai and I were twins in the golf and football dept:

1. We teamed up to win our annual family golf outing against Hai's dad, my sister, and my brother-in-law. Donny was a no-show and so I had to carry the team until the last 3 holes, where Hai did his best Mariano Riviera impresonation and closed it out for us.

2. Both of us lost in fantasy to teams scoring 90 points or better, though we would have won against anyone else in the league. We both had uber RBs but our defenses both scored a measly 4 pts.

3. Both our favorite teams choked and lost in the last minute. At least I didn't get to watch the tragic unfolding.


Anonymous said…
hai, donny, and victor, against hai's dad, victor's sister and brother in law. Is that match-up fair? What are the respective handicaps?
Anonymous said…
Ever since Vic ate Donny's bugger he's been an unstoppable force on the golf course. He's beaten Hai soundly the last three rounds; beaten Donny the last two rounds; and put a pretty good scare in me.
Victor Donge said…
my fantasy karma has been shot to pieces already, I think PJ and I have disfavored the fantasy football gods the most.
Victor Donge said…
Donny didn't play, and Hai and I played best ball while the others got to play scramble. It was pretty close, the score was 91 to 94.
Anonymous said…
Vic ate Donny's booger (as in snot), not bugger. And yes, Vic has been playing like Donny ever since that incident. I officially concede my #3 golf ranking to Vic. I guess I could try to retake it but eating boogers ain't worth it.
Anonymous said…
Well my shed blew down. My windows are leaking. But the thing I am my distraught about is losing to ND. To add more insult I am 6-0 in my other league and winning by about 14 pts with nobody left, the kicker is my oppenent has W. Dunn and needs 15 to win.

PS I am looking forward to the Asian oppenents. (cant get worse, Can it?).
Anonymous said…
Sorry about the misspell...I couldn't look up booger in Webstar's...
Anonymous said…
I least I got the day off and my power is back on.
Victor Donge said…
It's a false correlation between eating boogers and playing well in golf. If you use that logic, I've been great in golf ever since we hit the Myrtle Beach strip clubs.
Anonymous said…
It makes me feel better to think that I lost to you because of Donny's booger and not because of your play or my play...
Victor Donge said…
For the record the story is that Donny blew his nose and threw the napkin into the golf cart. By some miracle, it landed on my Beer cup. A couple of holes later, I reflexively took a sip out of the beer cup, forgetting about Donny's napkin which had been removed. I'm sure there are those of you, not naming names, who've drank beer while forgetting about foreign substances in the cup.