1st and 11 Response to "But a Poor Small Boy"

1st and 11 Response to PJ's Championship

    First as background, I think we should take a peek into the meager beginnings of “But a Poor Small Boy”.  He had it rougher than most, picked on by his younger brother, left without guidance by his parents and grandparents to find his own way, under the stern rule of catholic Nuns enforcing corporal punishment, and the occasional victim of complex deception from his Uncle.  It is a miracle that one day “But a Poor Small Boy” would become the best ever FADUCO FFL Owner and create the best FFL Team of all time.

    Yes.  As a youth in elementary school, “But a Poor Small Boy” played board games and one of these was Stratego.  His Uncle employed a complex and complicated deception as a means of winning by finding hidden bombs by feeling pieces.  This nearly invisible “sleight of hand” deception went on for many years until his Uncle at last explained to “But a Poor Small Boy” why the improbable winning streak was never broken.  Evidentially this struck a chord for “But a Poor Small Boy” and fueled his motivation to become a FFL juggernaut in years to come.   

    In the other games the “But a Poor Small Boy” had to overcome not deception but other deficits.  In Monopoly left without instruction on basic math, no one knew how decimals or percentages worked.  Consequently, landing on the “Pay 10% or $200 Income Tax” space was an automatic $200 payment.  Also, the $75.00 Luxury Tax space was interpreted as $7,500 since no one understood decimals.  Landing on this square turned out to be a great equalizer throughout the game.  The role of the banker involved some math and work, those traits were not present in the group at the time, so no one was ever exclusively the banker.  

    “But a Poor Small Boy” did beat his grandfather later in his adulthood in chess but this victory also involved the consumption of many, many beers by both parties.  Later when the beer was replaced by whisky the outcome flipped.

    It is amazing that “But a Poor Small Boy” could overcome such adversity and become the best ever FADUCO FFL Owner and create the best FFL Team in the history of the league.  “But a Poor Small Boy” did it in stellar fashion, with the best coaching efficiency of all time, a stellar draft, and the best ever free agents moves during the season.  I also hear that “But a Poor Small Boy” is going to host the biggest virtual happy hour to celebrate his victory in league history! 

    I sign off now, and Exit Stage Left, and leave the truth spotlight of the 1st and 11 to search out another team and franchise in its quest to make Fantasy Football Great Again for everyone.
