1st I don't usually share this but I volunteer at Brevard Sharing Center in my local community. I do this because I heard about children going hungry in our town.
2nd So Vic is off the hook as a pedophile BUT on the hook as a "Cheap Bastard". This according to several sources. The reason Vic has been spotted trolling local elementary schools is to pick up free lunches....similar I am sure to the lunch boxes I fill for hungry kids. I do need to admit my own son has come home from school with the free lunches because they provide them regardless of need, they also give him free breakfast every morning. At first I did not agree with this policy but when it was explained they do not want to single out the kids who can pay vs the kids who can't it made a little more sense. I do think we can all agree what Vic is doing is being a cheap bastard.
3rd Vic apparently drives his Tesla to the National Parks to harass POD. And always passes on donating towards the park's upkeep. Sucking on that national teet.
4th Poor POD can't even watch his streaming services without getting bumped off because Vic has absconded with his credentials.
5th Poor POD is living paycheck to paycheck.
6th He recently sold all his luxury sports cars and motorcycles.
7th POD is now driving a plug and play Honda Clarity because he can not afford gas or a Tesla.
8th Word is Hai is rolling in the dough lately. Maybe not GME rich but with a Superstar Real Estate Agent wife there is no shortage of cash.
9th Word is they keep 2 Nannies on the payroll, though only one is living with them (think Alice from Brady bunch), and cleaning lady like Florence Johnson from the Jeffersons.
10th Byron WTF dropping Rodgers?. Do you and Hai have a secret agreement And commissioner/Hai when did we change waiver rules? Several FADUCO players have asked did we change the rules this year. I don't recall 2 wires per week.
AND 11 To those players adversely affected and in pain POD has a new side job as a Certified Cannabis Provider and can help ease your pain.