Sorry, didn't see PJ's email last week. A double-header for 1st and 11. I also miss Cosgrove, the league misses having a villain who peddled vaping products of questionable provenance to minors.
Week 8
1st Vic's Hai Ankle Sprain is worse than expected.
2nd He is apparently unable to move and thus was unable to post last weeks 1st and 11.
3rd I can only assume he is gravely ill.
4th Justin is MIA on the trash talk this year.
5th The bear is in hibernation
6th I miss Cosgrove, especially with all this impeachment stuff going on.
7th Word is Victor has the only male run Asian team.
8th Speaking of Trump the Farrell's are KKK
9th I'm obviously out of things to say.
10th Maybe the lead K, of the KKK's can write this next week.
AND 11 Happy Halloween.
Week 7
1st Sorry for lack of post last week.
2nd Took a FAMILY vacation to LEGO land.
3rd There is a misconception that Asians are more attentive to family then Caucasians.
4th Andrea and I brought our son with us on vacation.
5th Seems Hai and Yen leave certain family members behind when they travel.
6th Grandma does watch James on date nights.
7th We don't have the luxury of Nannies and or slaves.
8th Word is Hai and Donny are seeking SS disability.
9th I must admit the big toe is crucial to balance.
10th Vic on the other hand is dealing with a high ankle sprain much like his QB going into Thursday nights game.
AND 11 Kevin is purportedly feeding his dogs Vegan dog food. V-Dog......WTF!