1st and 11 Week 6

1st Justin please pay Tuna.

2nd Justin your giving us private sector workers a bad name.

3rd Justin works in the financial services field so he should have had a great week given he is a bear.

4th Us bulls not doing well.

5th word is Kevin has been forced to cut Dihydrogen Monoxide from food.

6th 1 in 10 caucasians have asked that this ingredient be removed from food in their homes.

7th I'm not part of that 10%.

8th Kevin was quoted as saying his family avoids ingredients with ides on the end.

9th one other example "diglycerides."

10 Matt D is rumored to have a potty mouth jar for his spouse's language.  His kids vocabulary lessons are not going well.

And 11 I did reach out to Kevin in an attempt to confirm his food feelings.
