1st Sorry for the delay in writing this week.
2nd Obviously I dont have much material.
I have had quite the past 2 weeks.
I spent last 10 days either on the road or at home watching my 3/4 year old.
3rd Breaking NEWS MATT MADE A
4th Apparently Matt has been attempting to trade with the Asians but has
been rebuffed.
5th Not only has he attempted trades but has been truimphed on the waiver
6th It looks like several Asians are now playing for next year.
7th The cacuasians are definately a win now division.
8th Speaking of which I think we need to address the IR topic. Especially since Hai now has more time on his
9th Hai please keep posting your kid on Face Book.......very
entertaining. Are you think child actor
10th I was in Austin TX this week........Austin is had that Asian artist
Wie U on display and I am not sure if he is from Austin (Actually he is from
China) What I mean is he calling Austin home. Anyway I was a bit bummed because years ago I
had an opportunity to buy skateboards he had done thru AMEX charities, and I
declined to spend $300 and apparently they now retail for 30K.
AND 11 This was weak but my sources have dried up.