1st and 11 Week 2

1st I have been out of communication with the world……Did the Asian contingent host happy hour?

2nd   If happy hour did not take place last week, I will travel to D.C. on Sunday October 15th if Asians are buying wings.

3rd Matt has taken the “Justin Persona”.

4th I keep receiving seething texts messages about the Asians gaming the scoring system this year. 

5th I am going to turn 1st and 11 over to Matt for week 3.  Please pass any gossip directly to Mathew aka the Lone Ranger.

6th Justin has been so quite this year I am concerned.  Justin please reach out if you need to talk, please call this number 800 SEX-TALK oops I mean call 800 985-5990.

7th Hai and his new born were spotted with Hai’s mother at:

8th Word is Hai’s family is happy that Hai is out of the closest with his love of the Birds.  The Cowboys may claim to be America’s team but in reality they are consist of a bunch of wife beating, cocaine snorting, felons.

9th Kevin led a run on kickers the other day.  Just his mere suggestion that Matt is a trend setter sent the leagues constituents into a tizzy.  Kristy’s black magic has given Kevin the power of suggestion.

10th Now if only the Farrells could get rid of the fleas.

AND 11 I know this is pretty weak report but I need more information.   Hopefully Matt can spice things up next week.  Please be sure to help him out.

FYI we are missing part of our roof but we never lost power down here in FL.
