Bonus 1st and 11 Week 14

PJ sent a bonus 1st and 11 to mark the final week of the regular season:

1st victor please do not cash last years FADUCO check.  I know the gambling is putting a strain on your finances.

2nd my wife has no idea what account she drew the check from.

3rd there is a good chance we have closed the account.

4th my wife wants your mailing address....your are going to get a grammatically correct thank you note from my wife.  She is horrified that I didn't acknowledge your generous gift.

5th. Victor wtf?  I've had to listen to Andrea drone on about how I should have known.

6th Vic I felt the need to tell her about your gambling issue,.,..she did social work so your note will most likely include words of encouragement.  

7th hai maybe you can force tall Asian to write commentary for FADUCO next year.  Pick up where Tuna and pod have failed us.

8th I wish I had my camera available for a photo of pokey's face. 

9th his look was one of defeat.

10th tuna u need to put pokey down.....his misery was and is palpable.

And 11 Vic fu you on your win last week......Wallace dropped the ball.  Non pun intended.  Hai I would like to challenge the 69 yards, I have watched the game tape and Wallace clearly had 71 yards
