FADU Week 9 Power Rankings

After 8 weeks of data, there is enough sample size to do some analysis. This week, I'm going to investigate which position is better for using in your flex spot. Most owners use either their #2 RB or their #3 WR in the spot. However, some of us (raises hand) don't have the luxury of a solid #2 RB and so their is much uncertainty on who to start. I classified the combined pool of RB and WRs into tiers of rankings based on average points per game, in  groups of 20. Obviously, if you have a top 20 player you're staring him in the flex spot. One big question is whether RB is superior to WR in the top tiers. Surprisingly, WRs hold their own after the first 20, so RBs aren't always better than WRs if given a choice. I apologize for the crude table below, the blog doesn't handle paste jobs from excel very well.

Ranking    WR     RB    WR  Count     RB  Count
1-20 13.756 14.409 9 11
21-40 10.150 10.163 12 8
41-60 8.289 8.355 9 11
61-80 7.238 7.271 13 7
81-100 6.300 6.375 12 8

In the top 60 RBs and WRs, it's a dead even split on the mix. Furthermore, their is very little average that separates the average points scored within the ranking tier. What this shows is on the surface is that you can go ahead and remove position type as a factor for starting a player at the flex position. What matters more is the player's average points scored to date, so you should identify what tier a player is in. 

BUT, their is another factor to consider. Since the rules require starting at least 2 WRs but only 1 RB minimum, given the even distribution in the top 60, the number of "flex-eligible" RBs actually should be higher than "flex-eligible" WRs. So in some respect, it still pays to hoard RBs.

Now, on to this week's rankings.

1. Justin - If PJ doesn't beat him this week, this team could potentially go undefeated the rest of the way. (PJ - I'm try to jinx him here, hope you're happy).

2. Kevin - Still tops in points and breakdown, had a run of bad luck with tough matchups in the last 2 weeks. Getting AJ Green back is going make Kevin even more powerful.

3. PJ - In my opinion, the gutsy call of the week was starting the Vikings defense on the road. That TD from the fumble return in OT was the difference in PJ's matchup with Matt.

4. Vu - The Asians have a rising sun! Vu shattered the points record with a 150-point beatdown of Kevin. Yeah, he's 3-5 but Vu is the highest-ceiling team in the Asian division at this point.

5. Hai - 6-2 means Hai may just need 2 more wins to clinch the division crown. Still, I don't think Big Ben will score 40+ points for him again this season.

6. Matt - 3-5 in the Caucasian division is more like 5-3 in the Asian. I have a nagging suspicion Peyton is going to look to Julius Thomas A LOT this week after neglecting him in the past 2 weeks.

7. Lily - This is a one-man team practically. Ok, 2-man team of Peyton and Demarco. Batman and Robin if you will. Lily has the least number (2) of top 60 RBs/WRs in the league.

8. Victor - Note to self: Start Brandin Cooks whenever he plays in domes, okay?

9. Tuna - Strong showing, 114 points and out of the winless category deserves a slight bump in the rankings. Oh, and by the way, Tuna also has two of the top four RB/WRs scoring average leaders.

10. Donny - Losing to a 0-7 team means automatic exile to the dungeon for this week.
