1st and 11 Week 8

1st Justin showed up late to work Monday.  He is such a fan Panthers fan he flew to Ohio but missed his flight home, thanks to OT.  Must suck to see a tie.

2nd Justin is quite paranoid.  He believes the Asians are conspiring against him.

3rd Justin really believes he is a bear thanks to Vic’s vudoo magic.   You never should have assigned him a spirit animal.

4th Word is Hai’s plantation is growing. 

5th No a baby isn’t on the way for this growth.  Rather he is planning on capturing a couple to be a cook and maid.

6th Justin stay clear of any offers from Hai and his wife.  They may try and capture you and Ray.  Its my fault but I told them about your organic living.

7th Not only does Justin have pigs but he has dogs.

8th We know Hai and his wife love some dog.  Almost as much as Hai loves shoes.

9th Donny has a real job.  He cut the government cord.

10th That may explain Donny’s performance this year.  He actually has to work, and with as many kids as Donny has, that is a lot of work.

AND 11  Matt is just as active as Lilly……maybe those two should hook up.


Blahhhhhh said…
I just bought two new pair of shoes this weekend. I do not have a shoe addiction. I have a long daily walk to the metro and need comfortable shoes.