1st and 11 Week 3

1st and 11 Week 3……………………The MacDonald family vacation!

1st Matt Deagan sent me a check for $100. For the FADUCO entry fee.  In retrospect we should have been more clear that nobody to my knowledge has ever defaulted and we usually settle up at the end of the year.  It also got me thinking we haven’t been clear on transaction costs, arrests, and general bad behavior.  Hai I am going to leave this up to you. 

Matt I can shred your check or cash it and deliver the funds to Hai when I’m staying at his home next week.  (Hai more on that in this very special 1st and 11).

2nd So I didn’t book hotel reservations quickly……Imagine that PJ would ever procrastinate?

3rd So this 1st and 11 is dedicated to my tour of Asia.  My 1st stop is going to be Victor’s home.  My child is a bit rough and tumbles but can definitely use the math skills Victor can impart.  Plus he will have an opportunity to check out my wife.

4th After my stay at Vic’s it’s off to see Lilly……..Women tend to be intuitive and she can see if Andrea might be a keeper for Victor.

5th Next I plan on dropping my wife and James (FYI JAMES IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SALE OF ANDREA) off at the famous Uncle of Vic.  It is my understanding he is a wise man.  I expect him to formulate an old school value for my trade which in my opinion should include hard assets ….i.e.  Gold, Silver and livestock goats, sheep, cows and the.  During this break I believe I will get acquainted with this giant Asian.  In past year Donny and Tuna would have been my go to party friends.

6th I will then give the Asian clan time to think.

7th Hai as commissioner I believe it will be your responsibility to host my family and Kevin’s family for Football not  this week but next……..Think of it a one year old boy, Kevin’s 3 & 5 year olds…..My suggestion would be to have Donny bring Harper over and we all leave Hai and Tuna’s wife to watch the pack.

8th I am looking forward to this vacation.

9th Tuna and Donny I plan on stopping by the Monday after week four just to feel closer.

10th Kevin I can’t wait for my little linebacker to meet Holly……….Lou shakes in her boots at the site of James.

AND 11 I expect a fair offer for my wife.
