1st and 11 Week 1

Thank you to PJ for the early gift. Here's his unedited and unique take on the FADU league.

1st Since the league has started I have grown as a person.

2nd I mean that quite literally…….In the late 90’s I was a slvelt 185lbs.

3rd Its as though I have consumed another human being and he has retreated into the fetal position in my belly. 

4th Good ridence Cosgroves’

5th In due time I will reveal there dark secrets that force them to sleek off into the darkness.

6th I do miss Larry from time to time.

7th I  have worked with Justin for a year but didn’t know his name for sure until last month.  (It was one of those hey buddy situations).

8th If Justin hadn’t disclosed his full name on FACUCO I definitely didn’t know his last name.  Few fun facts about Justin….#1 He has live chickens in his kitchen.

9th I will tell more about Matt and Justin in the coming weeks but I need the Asians to step up and provide me with some “fun facts”………I have more journalistic intergerity then any of those so called writers at ESPN.

10th Word is the Asians have some real angxiety over Matt and Justin paying at the end of the season.  I would request a copy of a credit report from the new Asian…….Whats his name?

AND 11 I am ready for football to start…….Fun Fact about me.  I Couldn’t name 5 starters for Miami……..I imagine Sparkle is going to be a little slow out the gate.
