1st and 11 Week 13

1st  The reason I haven’t written the last 3 weeks is Andrea left me.

2nd To prove my love I traveled to Alabama, cursed Notre Dame and purchased tickets to the Iron Bowl.

3rd She still has not taken me back.

4th She has taken my dog, house, car, clothes, and basically anything not attached to me.

5th You all should read the list of her demands.

6th The Christmas Tree alone would make all the males in the Faduco walk away.

7th By the way a Howard Johnson hotel room during the IRON BOWL ran $700 per night…….of course Ho joe wasn’t good enough for my ho.

8th Does William realize that along with my Miami Dolphins Club Seats, I have 1st right of refusal on the Championship Game assumed to be ND vs Alabama.

9th Those tickets have bathrooms with flat screens above the pisser, and many other amenities.

10th William maybe you can help with Andrea’s list of demands.

AND 11 I will be posting several extra 1st and 11’s to make up for missed time.


Anonymous said…
I read the blog, was concerned and tried calling PJ. Andrea called me back, the post is a hoax. I should have known better since this posting was semi lucid, I should have suspected it was fabricated. I feel like Oprah after she recommended "a million little pieces". Kevin