FADUCO Week 4 Rankings

Since I don't have ESPN, I didn't get to see the referee debacle on Monday Night. The best term I saw for that clusterf**** was "Fail  Mary".  While the outcome didn't affect my game, I did wonder if any of our FADUCO teams got directly screwed by the refs this week. Late-breaking news suggest that the regular refs and the Ed Hochuli Gun Show are coming back this week, so fantasy football is going to survive. Yay! Update: Not a sure thing the refs come back this week.

Only 2 games were relatively close, Andrew vs. Kevin and Lily vs. Donny. Here is what I found with the help of this article:

Kevin 59 Andrew 61

Upon review, none of Kevin's starters or their teams seem to have been involved in the most egregious incidents. Andrew did miss out on a couple of potential scores from his bench due to ref fu**ups, but the main culprit for this game seems to be lack of production from Kevin's RBs.

Lily 51  Donny 57

Nope, Phil Rivers did deserve an F for that outing. And the 49ers dropped a turd in their game, in fact, the refs did the 49ers a couple of favors (ie. additional timeouts) and they still couldn't capitalize. So sorry Lily, you can't blame the refs.

There is one owner who can somewhat (but not definitively) claim that the refs screwed him out of money: Victor with RGIII had a chance for a hail mary at the end but the 3rd-and-50 shitstorm ended any chance of Victor claiming high score of the week.

It seems that most of the players or teams who were screwed by the refs weren't started in our league or were on teams that won anyways. Lucky for us, not so lucky for Packer and Redskins fans.

This week, I'm going to use one of the few positive upgrades to the CBS Sports website. When you set your roster, it now shows the ranking of the team your player faces in terms of fantasy. Thus, if your running back is facing the 29th ranked fantasy rushing defense, you're likely to do well. As more weeks go by, there will be more substance behind the rankings, but let's see how everyone's likely starters total up in opponent defense rankings. I'm counting QB twice since QBs score a lot in our league. Think of the numbers as an indicator of your players' matchup difficulty. The higher the number, the easier your players are facing opponents on paper.

Andrew:140 (no change to current roster)

Bill: 167 (I assumed Bill is starting Miles Austin instead of V. Jackson and Ravens D instead of Bears D).

Donny: 129 (assumed his current roster is set: Newton, Benson, Mathews w/ Manning and Morris on bench).

Hai:  106 (assumed Dalton and Turner start for Hai)

Katy:    192 (assumed Schaub, Torrie Smith, Jackson, Floyd start)

Kevin:    127 (assumed Lloyd starts over CJohnson)

Lily:     194 (no change to current roster)

PJ:   86 (no change to current roster)

Tuna:   152 (assumed S. Jackson starts over R. Bush, Garcon and Forte still injured)

Victor:   124 (assumed RGIII starts)

Please keep in mind these numbers just try to predict how well your players will do compared to their normal performance, not whether you'll beat someone with a lower score. If you have solid players and the matchup score is low, you still can beat someone with a high matchup score but starting their mediocre bench players. That said, let's try to see how this rating plays out this week:

Hai vs. Victor:  Both with low matchup scores, but Victor has better performing players to date, so Victor in a moderate - low scoring affair. Note that the matchup score for Victor goes up like by 42 points to 166 if he starts Peyton over RG3. But Victor feels compelled to ride the hot hand in RG3 until the Redskins feeble O-line gets him injured.

Tuna vs. Donny:  Both of Donny's QBs face tough matchups, but Tuna has a lot of injured starters. Another toss-up but I'm giving the edge to Tuna because Green Bay is going to be pissed and want to send a big F-U to Goodell at home.

PJ vs. Kevin:    PJ has the lowest matchup score because Romo is facing the #1 QB defense in fantasy. PJ's RBs also have difficult matchups but they are producers, unlike Kevin's RBs.I have to give a slight nod to Kevin, but this is the closest call of the week.

Lily vs Bill:  Both have favorable matchups this week for their players. Expect a high-scoring affair where the loser would have won in like 3 other games but had the bad luck to face one another this week. Since Lily's matchup score is the highest one this week, I'm predicting an upset to halt Bill's undefeated streak.

Andrew vs. Katy: Andrew has a moderate matchup score while Katy has a very favorable one. Buffalo has been known to play the Patriots tough at home, so another upset record-wise with Katy over-achieving this week to a win.

The Vic Guru Rankings:

Without much further ado, here are my rankings, separated in tiers.

1. Bill

2. Andrew
3. PJ
4. Victor
5. Tuna

6. Donny
7. Kevin
8. Lily

9. Hai
10. Katy

Crazy Asian Video of the Week:
In tribute to Bill's continued stay at #1, here is this week's CAVOW, which only Bill can understand without reading the subtitles:


Finally, since I got a new personal communication device, I've re-activated my Twitter account. You can follow me at @vicguru on twitter. I promise to be a bit more active during the season on Twitter regarding the FADUCO League.

May you all enjoy a replacement-free football weekend!
