1st and 11 Week 2

1st I just got back from Minnapolis......I wanted to personally thank Purple Jesus

2nd Don't ever pack nose hair clippers (even with rounded ends).....I got a personal body cavity search as a result from the fine TSA agents of St. Paul.

3rd Kevin's reply to last week's 1 & 11 about my call to Andrew was closer to the truth than what I originally wrote.

4th The Asian division looks strong.

5th The Hai vs POD match proves that.

6th http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/13/13845857-mom-gets-ticket-after-2-year-old-son-pees-in-the-street?lite

7th Word has it Vic is going to propose a divisional adjustment.

8th The fact that William is using the name Wu Wui is part of Vic's arguement and he is going to propose Katy be sent packing to the Caucasians.

9th Andrew, I just want to let you know I still have feelings for you even if Vic is a bit of a whore.

10th Has anyone received their cookies from Lilly yet?

AND 11 I believe Victor is a bit a racist.......he really seems to hate crackers.


Anonymous said…
I don't see the relationship. What does the two yr old peeing have to do with racist Asians, faduco or nose hair clippers...
Anonymous said…
FU Kevin
Anonymous said…
I brought cookies to the last happy hour. Too bad to the losers who didn't show up!