1st and 11 Week 2

1st Playing Golf all weekend while wife, mom, and sister-in-law shop, so this 1st and 11 is coming early and quite weak.

2nd Do not ever tell me Golf is expensive........Put 3 women together with outlets, malls, and boutiques close by.

3rd Some help please......I need dirt to make this more interesting.

4th I was at the Miami game Monday Night.

5th How in the world was I excluded from worst Football weekend?

6th Did I mention my sister in law is a die hard Patriots fan?

7th Did I mention it was my wife's 1st ever pro game (she graduated from university of alabama), and kept wondering why Miami let them catch the ball and score touchdowns without tackling them.

8th Did anyone notice the only Patriots representation on my team was their defense.

9th FU Andrew for Brady and Welker.

10th FU Vic for loving Andrew.

AND 11 FU FADUCO for taking time out of my life for another year.


Anonymous said…
someone give pj some material, its pathetic to see 1st and 10 lines dealing with shopping at outlets....