Lucky Tuna

First, Congratulations to Hai for getting married this past weekend. I had a good time at his wedding. If you want to see some dance moves from Hai, here's some footage. With Hai gone to Europe for the next two weeks and me leaving for Alaska this Friday, the Asians will have two absentee owners in the first 2 weeks. Tuna gets to play both. For Hai and Victor, at least there are no bye weeks yet but free agent pickups and roster subbing may be limited for them due to a lack of information and access to the internet.


Anonymous said…
what kind of man leaves for a two week trip the weekend the nfl season kicks off?
Anonymous said…
I'm pretty sure internet is available in europe and you access faduco via wap using your cell phone. no excuses for losing to tuna.
Anonymous said…
Making excuses before playing the game...very weak.
Victor Donge said…
Yeah, my team is pretty bad this year; I'd lose regardless if I was out of town or not.
Anonymous said…
Victor Donge ‎70 degrees in Juneau and I boiled in my double fleece layers. Thanks global warming.
23 hours ago via Mobile Web · Comment ·LikeUnlike

Anonymous said…
Now you can make excuses for losing.

BTW, I went thru the first 3 years of FADUCO without internet access at work...