1st and 11 Week 15

1st Fitzgerald practiced today or Fat Chicks would have won by a landslide.

2nd I still predict 99-77 in favor of perhaps the Greatest FADUCO Owner.

3rd Even if he can’t speak the China .

4th Lilly on your application you indicated you would be a contributing member. What happened?

5th I tend to agree with Kevin, Katy is lucky and the Eagles are looking good.

6th Though Kevin used the words Crush Katy to me the other night.

7th Another reason William wins this week is that though the Football Gods may hate William, God hates me. Short of the plague he thrown everything at me this past decade, probably shouldn’t have encouraged him.

8th I am not sure I like these Thursday night starts.

9th Vic no final power rankings?

10th Lilly could have moved up a couple spots in the rankings.

AND 11 How does Faduco count 2 point conversions again?


Victor Donge said…
No power rankings since the final standings speak for themselves with respect to the non-playoff teams. Playoff teams were covered in the playoff preview.
Football Gods said…

You've angered us by declaring yourself the GREATEST FADUCO OWNER!!!
Anonymous said…
I think PJ was saying I'm (Bill) the greatest Faduco owner. However I think it's pretty hollow. It's like saying Eagles are greatest NFL team bucause they have won so many regular season games. No one cares.
Anonymous said…
Nice Start for Billy last night.
Anonymous said…
Lilly promised us cookies in her application too...