1st and 11 Week 11

1st Another Thursday game.

2nd Moment of silence for R. Brown

3rd Kevin can beat the Caucasians but not the Asians

4th I figured Andrew more for Dexter

5th POD is the dogs name Dexter? If not, you need something cute or the real name. I am thinking Jiggle Puff.

6th I called the rise of Lilly! How about, McCoy, (keeper and immediate help for your sorry team) for your 1st round pick next year.

7th I fear the Fat Chick.


10th Katy/Jason I’ll trade you McCoy for your 1st and 3rd picks.

AND 11 I get the feeling the Asian’s are whoring themselves out to a number of other leagues and no longer paying proper attention to FADUCO. Tell me it’s not true.


Anonymous said…
Are you offering McCoy this year for a draft pick next year?
Victor Donge said…
Doesn't matter who the Eagles have at RB. It could be Chris Johnson and Andy Reid would only give him 10 carries a game...
tuna said…
Just a matter of principle. Should we allow trades that span multiple years? I think this will cause a imbalance in the league. Whoever receives the asset this year will have an advantage this year. Whoever receives the draft pick in the out years will have a competitive advantage that year.

It's a slippery slope.
Anonymous said…
Slippery slope!!!!I am pissed I can't put Ronnie on IR.....You damm democrats want to regulate FADUCO now! No trades because its not fair.
Anonymous said…
Tuna is the only Asian Democrat, the rest are republicans. Although rumor has it that Hai voted for Obama.
tuna said…
We don't have any regulation on trades. This would be the first time for this type of trade. I think we should put this up for a vote before we allow it to happen.

PJ, because I couldn't put TBrady on IR last year you then Andrew got a keeper for nothing.
Anonymous said…
By the way the trade offer was a joke. That is why I put it on 1st and 11 instead of making an actual offer through CBS. I have never made a trade offer through anything but CBS. (Dirty Democrats make back handed trades like William @ Eagles Training camp after wining and dining unsuspecting FADUCO MEMEBERS).

Its nice to see how fast the whining begins. Tuna with I hear you man BUT

"because I couldn't put TBrady on IR last year you then Andrew got a keeper for nothing."

Freakin Democrats never disappoint.....Whining like Kevin's Kiera (speelling).
Anonymous said…
I think Bill's a Republican...
Anonymous said…
One last thing when Tuna dropped Brady last year I picked him up and traded him to Andrew. So Tuna there was value with Brady you didn't have to just give him up.
tuna said…

Now you are in the same quandry with Ronnie Brown. On one side you need the roster spot for the playoff run. On the other hand Brown is a potential keeper albiet maybe not for your beloved dolphins next year.
tuna said…
I think we should increase our roster by one...
Anonymous said…
1 extra roster spot or give me back my IR Cop duties.

Oh and by the way I hear William is in fact a closet Democrat, he just puts up a big front. Several sources have contributed to this information.