1st and 11 Week 5

Vic she is pissed the 1st 5 belong to Nadrea....lol....I wont be getting laid tonight.

1st He can't even spell my name correctly...It's Andrea, not Andria or even Nadrea.

2nd I'm the girlfriend, not the stripper!

3rd We were offered drugs on a public beach in Nassau. He declined because we were with a federal agent from the Coast Guard.

4th He told me he was offered drugs and I said, "Why didn't we buy any?"

5th Apparently, that's not the correct response to say in front of a federal agent. Who knew??

6th FU VIC! How bout some power rankings.

7th Vic is your girl white?

8th My girls ass got bigger N the tits got smaller during the cruise.....Sorry Andria.

9th Does anyone remember 90120 ANDREA

10th It really sucks that the caucasians are the only value added faduco members.

AND 11 I know a Korean that would bring more to the table than VIC, Lilly, or Hia next year. Tuna and POD think about Asian you know who might contribute.

AND 12 Andria is going to pretended to be a tight ass asian for me tonight!!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
I am the keeper of the cheese
Anonymous said…

keep your chin up, week 10 is right around the corner.
Victor Donge said…
I have flu-like symptoms, can't finish watching the denver game :(
Victor Donge said…
Donny, if you had started Eddie Royal instead of Burleson, you would have shattered your homies' league high score record.