1st and 11 Week 4

1st I feel like Matt Damon (watch the closing credits)

2nd I wont be going to the Miami VS NY Monday night game, thanks to sharing stripper photo. There are a lot more!

3rd Me not going to the game not entirely the result of the 1 photo I have shared but more so about previous 1 and 11.

4th Sorry Andria. I really wasn't trying to break up. I cant wait for our cruise this weekend.

5th This could be the David Letterman or Entourage edition. (Expect Andria you were a participant in my deviant behavior.)

6th Entourage quote....."I want this deal like I want my wife to crave pussy"

7th Andrew its simple make a donation and I'll send a pic.

8th Remer I called the rise of the Sith.

9th Kevin tell Kristy the same as I told Andrew aka Sith........Open up your wallet.

10th HAI does Vic and Liily make more money $$$$$$$??????

AND 11 THANK YOU VIC AND LILLY 1st faduco donors.

Really watch entourage this past week. I honestly had no idea about the storyline prior to the previous 1 and 11.


Anonymous said…
Is Andria the GF or the stripper?
Anonymous said…
I'm confused. I thought the stripper is the GF.
Anonymous said…
I like the entourage quote
Anonymous said…
PJ's dating a stripper wanted by the Feds!!! I wonder if the stipper is using PJ to mule drugs. Was this cruise to somewhere down south?
Anonymous said…

Does PJ's mother know about this?
Anonymous said…
straight out of a carl hiaasen novel.
Anonymous said…
who's a fan of carl hiaasen? He writes some great stuff. You are right the PJ saga does seem like one of his plotes.
Anonymous said…
POD is a fan, PJ could be a character in one of his books if he were a little less normal.

Victor would like his stuff too if he read fiction...