Drum Roll Please…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
AND THE CHEERLEADER OUTFIT WEARING MEMBER IS……………………………………………………………………………………
Kevin Farrell
Word is he confided in a MacDonald big mistake, that he needed to get his hands on an authentic Eagles Cheerleading outfit……….If you’re like me your thinking maybe he just likes to spice things up with Kristy, the answer would be NO according to my sources, then naturally you would assume it’s for Keira, just wants to indoctrinate the Kids in Green………again the answer is no……..Kevin apparently has always dreamed of shaking the pomp poms…………..Kevin quite frankly I am speechless, what did you ever do with that Raiders outfit you wore as a Kid??????????
What could have been misconstrued about the cheerleading outfit.
It was sort of a joke, that backfired....I went to change Beck out with 2 mins to spare but CBS wouldn't allow the change I talked to Hai and the little one (speaker phone of course) with 6 mins to go but he said it couldn't be changed (have a feeling the commish was screwing with my settings), regardless I told Hai not worry I would live with the present line up and BOY DID I WORRY! As a matter of fact I went to the site looking for Hai's address to send in my check sure the season was over! Man i got to tell you it was better to win the way I did! What a rush! Anyway no matter how things end up I am going to trade my 1st pick with Larry for his number one, unless he decides it will be better to pick last.
And Muchos Props to Kevin for the livestock comment.
We should bar Larry from trading away his draft picks.