1st and 11 Week 14

1st For that big girl in a little package, this 1st and 11 is for you.

2nd Had to change the cell phone #. My bad for hitting it one last time was time with an old sweetheart (I knew she was crazy but…….).

3rd Little one I recently spent over $400 on eye ware because I really believed the sales girl when she said you look HOT in those frames.

4th I am a mamma’s boy.

5th Hai I have a feeling your girl is falling for me.

6th I would refer to her by name but I was drinking and didn’t write it down. Either Yen or Gen Maybe???

7th Can you blame her? She wants a winner from Faduco, who wants to date the Asian that loses to Caucasian (Vic this may be an opportunity to make a move if you can make the playoffs)

8th I am a fat guy. I quit smoking for 23 days and added 23lbs.

9th I still holding hands and long walks on the beach.

10th I am old………………………………Each one of those periods represents a year in my life as of Saturday.

AND 11 Vic, I also enjoy cooking, Food Network and Paula Deen! Desperate House Wives is also on my TIVO list


Victor Donge said…
Her name is indeed Yen, but she hates it if you pronounce it like the Japanese currency. It's pronounced more like "Ien"
Victor Donge said…
Oh yeah, I've kinda stopped following Desperate Housewives ever since NBC got its Sunday Night Football.
Anonymous said…
I missed this season more less also but my Mom said this past weeks episode was one of the best.

Anonymous said…
I have been scolded by my mom and Kevin is now officially off limits.
Anonymous said…
damn straight - better not mess with kevin or the clan. future 1st and 11 should continue to focus on Hai, Vic, and Yen.
Look forward to the next edition.

Victor Donge said…
Kevin, if I do end up beating Andrew and face you in the first round, expect some of my future blog entries to focus on you, since little PJ cannot pick on you.
Anonymous said…

and what are you going to do on your blog when you lose to the Dark Lord?

Anonymous said…
Why is Kevin's mother still defending him?
Anonymous said…
In my opinion you commit an error. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.