FADUCO Power Rankings Week 10

It's becoming a 2-horse race. With the high number of injuries this season, the rest of the league just doesn't have the firepower to challenge Tuna and Kevin. Since there are no more bye weeks, teams will play with whatever is their full healthy complement. Which for certain teams, that's not a compliment. Starting this week, there are playoff implications.

1. Tuna: Narrow victor over Katy wouldn't have been so narrow if Tuna started Bulger instead of pathetic JP Losman. But this week brings the first of 2 regular season matchups with Kevin. The Sportsline preview calls it a dead-heat, can't wait for POD's preview of this epic good-vs-evil matchup. (OK, trying to build hype here).

2. Kevin: Reliance on the colts and browns could be a good thing this week as they both face fading teams. However, this is the NFL so you may never know which poor team decides to wake up. Whoever wins the Tuna-Kevin game this week assures themselves of at least a tie for the division title.

3. Andrew: Only because he was the only one among the playoff "contenders" who won this week. This has been the most mediocre set of playoff contenders in ages, by the way. If Marvin Harrison returns, he'll be at full strength. The dark side of the force strikes back?

4. Hai: Steven Jackson is back, now if only Cincinnati's offense can get revitalized in time for Hai to make a playoff push. Hai is limited with his #2 RB position. If his QB throws a lot, Rudy Johnson won't score many points. Likewise, if Witten stays and block, Barber would do well but Witten wouldn't. Ah decisions, decisions. This team's makeup is not built to explode, but its downside is also limited.

5. PJ: Exibit 48983458 on how fickle are the gods of Fantasy football. Purple Jesus may be effectively out for the rest of the season one week after his record-breaking performance. Edgerrin James is a suitable #2 back with 8 RBs on PJ's roster, but Edge is slightly faded from his strong season start. Without AP, this team is no longer a feared team.

6. Katy: In two consecutive weeks, Katy has lost games in the fashion of what used to be her opponents' losses - narrow losses which could have been victories if not for 1 or 2 benchings. She failed to take advantage of Tuna's Patriots bye week, and now faces the top 3 Caucasian teams in a row, which this year is more imposing than facing the top 3 Asian teams in a row.

7. Victor: Indirect and direct injuries have devastated this team. Peyton has no one to throw to besides Reggie Wayne and Joseph Addai. Steve Smith has a 44-year old QB. Both of Victor's "stud" RBs at the beginning season are now officially busts. This team may be going from best set of keepers to worst set of keepers in just a year.

8. Donny: Despite being out of it, this team is now a big spoiler. As predicted in my preseason preview, this team will go places at the latter part of the season. Has a lot of healthy young talent, but maybe only his homer defense could hold Donny back from seriously ruining people's seasons.

9. Bill: He's going to try to wheel and deal for the next season. But his usual farm teams (Andrew, Tuna, and PJ) are in the thick of playoff races and may not be so generous this time around.

10. Larry: The Shaun Alexander era is now over, but the rest of the team isn't quite a disaster. There's just not enough home run hitters and there are too many vexing starting choices every week. However, he plays only 1 team with a winning record in the next 4 games, and that team is a leaking ship.


Anonymous said…
For the record I have never made a trade with William....Every offer is so one sided I just assume he is joking unlike Larry and Andrew.
Anonymous said…
and Kevin (though I still believe he must have drugged Kevin at the Eagles Training camp or has some really good blackmail
Anonymous said…
No need to hype the Tuna vs. Kevin game...they've both secured playoff berths.
Blahhhhhh said…
Are you trying to jinx me by ranking me so high?
Victor Donge said…
No, there is very little difference between #3 and #7. I rated you highly because your main players are getting healthier than most other teams' rosters at this time. This season's casualty rate is like the body count in 300.