1st and 11 Week 10

1st How about a mid season report from Uncle Bob.

2nd POD stop wallowing and gives us a preview this week.

3rd I did not realize Hai’s girl was out of town this past weekend, word is Hai was able to open the grill. (Vic no need to cover for Hai with the Futbol comments on the blog about her understanding the 50 yard line.

4th Couldn’t help but noticing Andrew dropping and trading all the skin players…….Are you from Texas now? Go Cowboys?

5th Does Uncle Bob still believe POD has best team?

6th Everyone should reread Vic’s Trade or Bust Post from September.

7th At least uncle Bob had Tuna 2nd and Veggies as a good team.

8th Vic, Please don’t make a mockery out of Get Fuzzy.

9th Hai is Gossip Girls going to be affected by the writers’ strike?

10th Bill I am flying in to DC next Friday and heading to Philly on Sunday, if you can, I would get tickets to the game, my buddy is proving unreliable in giving me a definitive answer (I think they are waiting to see how bad it gets).

AND 11 Looks like Cobb [Kolb] VS Beck for the Superbowl!


PJ, I think we are going to try and get standing room only tickets. Will get them over weekend.