1st I would like my IR power back, I ‘ve been squawking for weeks, with nary a response from the commish…..just goes to show its an Asian league.
2nd I often accuse Vic of being racist but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my own family may be racist i.e.… The KKK Farrell family.
3rd POD good to see you are capable of adding something to the league.
4th I think William has been playing for Larry…. Word is Larry quit the league 2 years ago (wife made him), William has been controlling the team to make winning the Caucasian division easier for him to win especially when he controls Larry draft, keepers, and league movements….It’s all beginning to make sense.
5th I miss Hai’s nipples.
6th Miami sucks, its been a difficult year.
7th Thankfully the Eagles aren’t much better.
8th SUperbowl 11.18.2007
9th Kevin could I please get some pictures of the baby without having to see you in your bathrobe.
10th POD keep up the good work.
AND 11 Please tell Kevin didn’t chose Kiera so everyone 1st name begins with K?