1st The Asians are in emotional flux.
2nd Tuna has been transferred to Canada.
3rd Vic’s fling appears to over.
4th Bury yourself in spreadsheets little buddy (Hug from mom helps).
5th Vic resist going out with POD alone.
6th Hai see what’s happening, the HAI pad shuts down PAIN for the Asians.
7th When is the Wedding? Move in date?
8th According to Hai’s comments he doesn’t even know what’s going on in PODS life anymore.
9th Hai you were the glue that held the Asians together!
10th They wanted me to let you know they feel like you’re just not there for them anymore.
And 11 EVEN SOME CACUSIAN FEEL THAT WAY! (Kevin). Some people (not naming names (Kevin), just don’t feel like your accessible.