This Eagles Bandwagon thing is not off to a good start

My secret website told me to start Lav Coles over Reggie Brown. But I didn't listen because I was so eager to prove my credentials as a new member of the Eagles nation. Now, I'm paying the price, as Coles' 15 points would have put me in a good position to beat Tuna. Instead, I need a multi-TD performance from Frank Gore tonight to make it close. It may be 2005 all over again, where I score the 2nd-highest points of the week only to lose to the high week scorer. Damn you Eagles!


Anonymous said…
Start him next week.
Anonymous said…
We have recruited a 3rd party independent fantasy consultant to provide an impartial analysis of our league.
Victor Donge said…
when will the consultant give his/her report?
Anonymous said…
when he is finished
Anonymous said…
vic, be honest your anger is misplaced. michigan's collapse is the real cause of this bitterness not the eagles. i think a future blog posting should address this in light of the up coming match-up between michigan and nd.
Anonymous said…
Alex Smith Stinks
Anonymous said…
Matt Leinart Blows