FADUCO Power Rankings Week 3

The Quick and Dirty of FADUCO:

1. Hai - Beat previous number one in a high scoring affair. Too bad Steven Jackson's season has been a nightmare.

2. Kevin - So consistent, has scored over eighty in all three weeks. Against Asians this year he will no longer be meek.

3. Tuna - Despite loss to Hai, Tuna should always be favored. Because Brady to Moss is something to savor.

4. Andrew - New management's fantasy god is a Cowboy. Something the old management definitely would not have enjoyed.

5. Katy - McNabb always does well after some racial controversy. I shouldn't have advised to stay with him, curse me!

6. PJ - Ronnie Brown got 33 points this week and no other RB scored higher. But those Dolphins-Jets games, they are always wild outliers.

7. Victor - Good news, found a second receiver to plug. Bad news, is missing a running game and Steve Smith got mugged.

8. Larry - So far the Vikings are the highest scoring fantasy defense. Which baffles me why in all 3 weeks Larry has left them on the bench.

9. Donny - Almost set the record for weekly scoring futility. With his top 3 scorers all injured, next year's #1 pick is a strong possibility.

10. Bill - Drew Brees really stunk it up on Monday night. Like his beloved Notre Dame, this team has a scoring blight.


Victor Donge said…
Oh by the way, the top two FADUCO teams are fantasy baseball gurus too this past season.
Anonymous said…
Our baseball team didn't fare that well this year. We look to finish in fifth place.
Victor Donge said…
But that's like 5 places higher than was thought at the start of the season.
Unknown said…
I beleive the Temple Owls have scored more points than ND this year. Now that's saying something.