1st and 11 Week 3.5

1st Somebody please reach out to POD.

2nd POD, "I am hurting also.....don't giv, please dont give up" Peter Gabriel and some hot chick.

3rd FU Vic, show the Faduco members hard data! I want the orginal efficiency spreadsheet!

4th Hai's golf game on Saturday was worse than the Bengals' defense. His girl was away for the week and I think he couldn't focus on the course because of that. He had a drive for negative yards since the ball hit a tee marker. On another drive, he absent-mindely brought out his putter. Then yet on another drive, he broke his driver's club shaft. And unlike Donny or me, he can't drink alcohol on the course to fix his game.

5th Andre way to go!

6th Shame on Tuna for taking advantage off a weak minded POD.

7th Anyone else celebrate ND 1st TD this weekend?

8th Andrew please at least reject trade offers.

9th Larry I still havent recovered from the fact you are married.......and she is in control.

10th William I thumped you.

and 11 Katy isn't so bad.......but Brooker apparently is.

12 Does anyone in our league watch Its always funny in Philadelphia?


Anonymous said…
Is POD having a nervous breakdown?
Anonymous said…
I don't think Vic is being critical enough. Ever since he went to business school all he cares about is kissing ass.
Anonymous said…
Vic's a nice guy unlike this Anonymous turd.