Some of us Asians are wandering if the reason you took up the pizza delivery gig was to pay off gambling debts caused by your refusal to jump off the Dolphins bandwagon. I mean, Donny finally gave up on Culpepper and he became the week's top scorer. Maybe you should follow his lead. I would hate to see you give more money to the Cosgroves' Notre Dame fund.
A Concerned Asian
Some of us Asians are wandering if the reason you took up the pizza delivery gig was to pay off gambling debts caused by your refusal to jump off the Dolphins bandwagon. I mean, Donny finally gave up on Culpepper and he became the week's top scorer. Maybe you should follow his lead. I would hate to see you give more money to the Cosgroves' Notre Dame fund.
A Concerned Asian
With Young and Lienart making there debuts is Plummer worried about Cutler playing? How many games have the Bronco's won?