Sports Guy movie recommendation

Even you non-Philly fans may want to check this movie out. Though I doubt Mr. Dallas Cowboy fan will. Scroll to the last section of the article, but you'll miss out some pretty good writing on his other movie reviews.


Anonymous said…
The Eagles really were a sad franchise in the 70s, it took a Cali. big shot to turn em around. Cali and Philly what a combo.
Anonymous said…
A little tidbit. The owner of the Eagles during Invicible movie (cant rember his name) was forced to sell the Eagles after losing everything in A.C. gambling, and is now destitute and living in a state run nursing facility.
Anonymous said…
leonard toes
Anonymous said…
I have a lot in common with Tose, I am going to look into going to that trucking school they always advertise.
Anonymous said…
Instead of PJ and the bear it will be PJ and George.

In 1985 Tose was forced to sell the Eagles to Norman Braman and Ed Leibowitz, highly successful automobile dealers from Florida. Buddy Ryan was hired by Florida guys. WHo knew
Anonymous said…
Braham autos uses Marnio as there spokesmen, guess there really aren't many good Eagle players (aside from WHite but he really G.B)from the 80s either.

Kevin were all the HOF Eagles players from the 1940s when all the real atheletes were fighting WWII?
Anonymous said…
They were doing both. In fact the HOF has an exhibit on Football players who also served their country in the various wars.
Blahhhhhh said…
It's already been set. Sep.5.
Anonymous said…
Blahhhhh how about releasing everyones non keepers. For those of us who just use CBS.
Blahhhhhh said…
I already released the non-keepers. You guys need to pay attention. I guess this is the reason why you and Donny did so poorly last year.
Anonymous said…
r6 don: beware of upsetting the commish. That bad mojo may have brought bad luck to your RB.
Anonymous said…
for the next blog posting, i suggest and interview by the vic guru with r6 don on his reaction to the portis injury.
Blahhhhhh said…

Has Kristy forgiven you for murdering the rabbit yet?
Anonymous said…

You killed a rabbit. Do you remember whay you did to Corky when he killed a rabbit? I hope nobody beat you up.