Recommended TV Viewing

For those of you seeking a more "masculine" TV viewing, tonight on the Discovery Channel at 10 PM is a show about cool future weapons. What's notable about this episode is that my relative will be in it, discussing bombs. What's also remarkable is that my relative is a woman, so you men can convince your significant others that it's female-friendly too since it shows how a woman can overcome the odds and succeed in a male-dominated industry.

Discovery Channel program tonight

Washington Post Article featuring the relative of Hai, Donny, and me


Anonymous said…
I love the discorvery channel
Anonymous said…
Is this a real relative? Is "Duong" like "Smith" in Vietnamese.
Hai tried to use the "Duong" name to make a claim for Vietnamese royalty a few years backed but was discreditted.
Victor Donge said…
Yes, she is related to us, but not too closely on the family tree branch. Duong is not as common a name as most other Vietnamese surnames. Though it's not a royal name, we can tell if someone is related to us and where in the generational heirachy they are by which middle name they have. For example, Hai and my dad have the same middle name, so that's why I have to call him "uncle" in official family gatherings.