The Duongs crushed their competition in Sunday's inaugural Duong-Phamdo challenge, held at Frederick's Clustered Spires Golf Course.
Donny played his best round ever, scoring a personal best 83 and defeated Tuna 83-90. In the Junior Varsity match, the trio of Hai, Victor, and Hai's dad demolished the Phamdo trio of Ho-Tan, Nam, and their cousin-in-law Chetam 90-103 in a best ball vs. scramble format.
Donny was nailing his woods, getting 2 eagle putt chances on par 5's and putting with nerves of steel. Meanwhile, Mr. Duc Duong was contributing early in the front nine and Hai played well throughout the match.
The Duongs were favored in the JV matchup since the JV Phamdos hadn't played in a year or two, but Tuna was the betting favorite going into the match due to his lifetime record against Donny and his strong play the last week. Tuna brought his A game, but Donny had his A+ game. The JV Phamdos lost their best player when Nam had to leave in the back nine, but the final outcome would probably not have changed.
"Beer was my secret weapon today, " said Team MVP Donny. "I got to relax my swing with the Miller Lites I drank on the course." Afterwards, Victor remarked that the Phamdos did not put up much of a challenge, and suggested that since the match was in Kevin's backyard of Frederick, we could have a Duong-Faduco Caucasion golf outing in the future.
The golf outing was actually a pretext for Ho-Tan to get out of the house while his wife prepared for Hotan's suprise 30th birthday party. More than 40 people attended the event, and got to hear about the Duong's big victory of the day while feasting on ribs and grilled chicken.
The post-game festivities were a success, and a good time was had by all. Especially Victor, who faced off against Las Vegas veterans in 2 rounds of No-limit Texas Hold-Em and walked away with first prize in both rounds. Let's just say Victor is now set for his transaction fund in the upcoming FADUCO season.