I can't believe they passed this law

It is now illegal to "annoy" someone anonymously. For example, if you post a comment on a blog with an fake name or anonynmous id, you are breaking federal law. First Tuna and the NSA spies on us. Now this. I hope the Supreme Court does something about this.



Anonymous said…
How come no story on TO visiting the Broncaroos
Anonymous said…
Nothing about Ricky?
Anonymous said…
Ricky Williams didn't just rebuild his reputation. He reinvented himself. He worked. He tutored his replacement, Ronnie Brown. He was Mr. Team Guy, far as anyone could tell. Heck, he was the co-winner of the media's Good Guy Award, for speaking openly and without end. Maybe he hadn't changed at his core. Who does? But he adapted. With debts over his head, and a contract below par for his ability, he did not complain. He made the best of it.

He got you to root for him, even if you had been reluctant.

And, for some of you at least, he did it with how he was acting as well as running.

So this isn't about the drugs, even though the drugs may have done him in again --again, if reports are true. You can take issue with the nation's marijuana laws and with the league's enforcement, and still believe that an employee should obey his profession's stated rules, especially with the alternative clearly known.