I don't think Kevin will overtake Hai tonight. Just a hunch. But given my luck this season, Katy has a good shot of coming back. She basically just needs 3 TDs from McNabb and Keyshawn combined with their yardage to surpass me.
Oh yeah, expect a new #1 in the power rankings tomorrow. If I lose, you know who #10 will be.
Oh yeah, expect a new #1 in the power rankings tomorrow. If I lose, you know who #10 will be.
Who else could possibly be number 10 even if you win? I just going to take a stab in the dark but I think Hai is going to be your new #1.
Since I playing you this upcoming weekend I figured I start early. Did you find it more difficult being French or Asian in school? I would think being French would be harder.
Strength and Honor.
There is always room on the band wagon if you would like to get on early. Its a much nicer place to see a game in the winter plus Miami is 1-0 this year against the Broncos.
As for your school were the white kids picked on?