I need old Peyton tonight

If it's the 2005 version of Peyton, I'm dead against my matchup with Hai. I need Peyton Version 2004. In retrospect, I shouldn't have gambled with Tyson Thompson just to aggravate Hai. I would have had a 9-pt cushion going into tonight's game. Moral of the story: Don't take into account your opponent's rooting interests when setting your lineup. I guess I better start looking for herbs tonight.


Anonymous said…
Bone head move of the week. Kevin offered Chad Johnson for Kevin Jones and I declined the trade. My thinking was I didnt want to have to play 3wr in weeks 6 & 7. In retrospect I lost anyway in week 6 and week 7 at least I would have chad to run the run shoot along with Fitzgerald. Bad move on my part.
Victor Donge said…
The run-and-shoot does not work! Just look at Andrew. This season he ditched it and is now 4-2.
Anonymous said…
Vic, pick up some herbs for me too.