A very bad football weekend for me

Looks like I won't be able to come from behind against Hai in FADUCO, down 30+ points, yet if Priest scores only 1 TD, he'll beat me in the minor league game. I will have to give him 10 gold pieces in World of Warcraft, which is a quarter of my gold holdings. Broncos will probably lose tonight since I'm watching the game with my brother-in-law. We have an amazing 0-5 or something when we watch Broncos games together. So those of you who gamble games, take KC over Denver tonight. Michigan fell out of the top 25 for the first time in ages. Finally, the worst thing: More material for the Notre Dame / Cosgrove propaganda machine. Read at your own risk...

Ultra-sappy Fighting Irish tale


Anonymous said…
Is Hai's sports bar closed on Mondays?
Anonymous said…
It is usually open on Monday, but probably not tonight because Hai & POD are taking their mom out to dinner for her birthday.
Anonymous said…
John R's brother here.

I am forced to agree on the gambling advice provided for the Broncos game tonight. I will also be watching the Broncos game with John and Victor, which vitually guarantees a humiliating Broncos loss. I am hard pressed to think of a nationally televised Broncos game in the past 3 years that they've won. I'm in the process of developing a theory that the Broncos are afraid of national attention.
The Chiefs have not won in Mile High since 2000, but they will tonight.
Anonymous said…
Do you think your mom would mind it if i came along? I promise not to mention POD is a Vegas prositute.