Prize for Pickem

To motivate people to play the pick'em game in Faduco, I shall give away my secret formula to picking QBs to the end-of-the-season winner. To make things a bit more fair, everyone will get to remove their worst week's performance, so the people who haven't made week one picks are not in dire straits. This secret formula has worked for me when I follow it with the exception of one year when I overrated the Redskins and drank from the Spurrier coolaid. Using my formula, I picked Collins and Palmer in my other leagues and those teams did pretty well in week 1. Unfortunately for me, I don't have a reliable formula for picking running backs yet.


Anonymous said…
You better post this on the Faduco site or risk losing your formula to the only caucsian that checks this blog.
Anonymous said…

If you want a slamming of the dolphins franchise read question 3 from this jack ass. It hurts but partially true. Fond this link from Miami Herald.